The life lesson: you can live lavishly no matter how little money you earn or how tired, ill, or just plain crazy you feel. The woman who wasn’t well-behaved: Wangari Maathai. How do we know Maathai wasn’t well-behaved? Listen to how her ex-husband describes her: “…too educated, too strong, too successful, too stubborn, and too hard to control,” he said. You gotta admire his honesty! Mr Wangari wanted a woman he could control – but you can’t control women who aren’t well-behaved. For …
Blog Posts
These Christmas holiday gift ideas for dog walkers range from practical to luxurious. I also included the best gifts for dog lovers - because your dog walker is no doubt a big fan of all types of dogs!
Before you allow your veterinarian to give Trifexis to your dog, read the effects of this flea treatment for dogs. As a dog owner, the last thing you need is an infestation of fleas or ticks -- nor do you want a sick dog.
In this job description, an investment analyst who analyzes mining stocks shares his top stock picks. This geology career features a geologist who researches and reports on mining data to find the best financial investments. This career involves mining and geology investments, not precious metal mining or oil rigs. As a geologist, Dale Mah explored for base metals, gold and diamonds in remote areas of the Canadian arctic. He’s also worked as a mine geologist in an open pit mine. …
If you’ve never said, “My dog killed a squirrel”, I envy you! If your dog kills squirrels, you might find these tips on coping with guilt and sadness helpful.
This list of high paying part time jobs for college students will help you find work - and #2 will surprise you! Plus, tips on how to get hired and things to remember when you’re looking for work as a college student.
Online relationships are more common than you think. These tips for surviving an online affair will help you start over after a bad breakup. Here’s what Steve said on my Tips for Surviving an Emotional Affair article on Quips & Tips for Achieving Your Goals. He had an internet affair and wants to know how to save his marriage: “I love my wife and kids so much. I would normally say I’m a great husband and father. I just made …
Inspired by the fable of Cupid, this list of unique Valentine’s Day gifts will help you find the exact right gift for a woman who has everything. Go beyond boxes of chocolates and bouquets of roses on February 14
A Massage Practitioner on Bowen Island If you’re asking “What is a massage practitioner?”, you may already know it’s different than a registered massage therapist. Here’s how holistic massage works, from a self-employed massage practitioner who works in the “healing arts.” “Being self-employed is always an interesting adventure,” says Genevieve McCorquodale, Certified Massage Practitioner, Post Partum Doula, and owner of Still Waters Massage on Bowen Island, BC. “There is no guarantee of a pay check at the end of the day. …
Here are eight gifts for people diagnosed with a dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, or Lewy Body Dementia. Some of these gift ideas are practical, others are creative, and others are a mixture between the two. The best gift ideas for people with dementia also depend on what stage of dementia they’re in (eg, early vs. late stages dementia). For this article, I tried to research creative gift ideas that would be good for people in any or …
One of the most exciting days of my life was moving into our new house. The pain of saving money for a down payment was worth it! Here's how we saved for a house.
Publishing jobs include helping authors get published. Here, a Manhattan literary agent describes his job selling manuscripts to publishers and editors. “I think people are surprised by how much editing an agent has to do,” says New York City-based Jon Sternfeld. “I don’t know what it used to be like, but books have to be nearly perfect to sell. So, an agent can’t just hope that an editor sees potential in a project. They have to be bowled over by …
Writer’s Coach Daphne Gray-Grant In this job description, a writing coach describes how she helps writers get published. Her career includes writing magazine articles, developing communications plans, advising companies on media relations — and coaching writers, of course! Daphne Gray-Grant is self-employed in Vancouver as a writer, editor, and communications consultant. Here, she describes her job and offers a bit o’ career advice for aspiring freelance writers. But first, a quip from a best-selling author: “I don’t believe in writer’s block,” …
From a Health Care Proxy to an Ethical Will, here are several tips on how to deal with end of life issues. Attorney and author Jo Kline Cebuhar shares her advice on end of life planning, based on her hospice work and experience with a series of losses - beginning with widowhood at age 28.
One of my favorite quotations for successful women is from Lillian Hellman – she was an American playright. Her quote is about self-sabotage and tripping yourself up. It’s both depressing and empowering: “It’s a sad day when you find out that it’s not accident or time or fortune but just yourself that kept things from you.” ~ Lillian Hellman. I see this in my blogging career – I support myself as a full-time writer and blogger, and went through a …