Animal Ministry Career – What Does a Pet Loss Chaplain Do?

Animal Chaplain, Sid Korpi An animal ministry career is unique and fulfilling! Learn what a pet loss chaplain does in this job description. If you’re thinking about a career that involves pets – dog training, animal rescue, or veterinary jobs – you can’t miss this career profile. “I offer in-person or online grief support, and post stories and pictures of pets who have passed away on my blog’s memorial page,” says pet loss or animal chaplain Sid Korpi.

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Lawyer Job Description – A Peek Into Practicing Pension Law

Pension Lawyer, Carolyn Wolpert Got a yen to practice pension law? In this lawyer job description, an expert pension lawyer doesn’t just the best and worst parts of her job, she offers career tips for lawyers (and not just pension lawyers, either!). Who says pension law can’t be fun? This Deputy Division Chief of the Pensions Division at the New York City Law Department begs to differ. Carolyn Wolpert is the Deputy Division Chief of the Pensions Division (a higher ranking pension attorney

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5 Natural Beauty Secrets for Women – Sophia Loren

Many women secretly wish they were more beautiful – and the good news is that there are easy, natural ways to improve beauty! These natural beauty secrets are from psychologists, life coaches, and doctors…and they’re accompanied by beauty quotations from the gorgeous, smart Sophia Loren. For instance: “Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” ~ Sophia Loren. A beautiful woman isn’t all pouty lips and long eyelashes…she’s kind, compassionate, and optimistic.

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How to Fail and Bounce Back – Rachel Naomi Remen

Failing and bouncing back is one of the most important ways a woman can succeed. We have to be willing to fail and bounce back if we want to grow — and soar! These thoughts on building resilience are from Rachel Naomi Remen, MD. “The willingness to win OR lose moves us out of an adversarial relationship to life and into a powerful kind of openness,” writes Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen in Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal. “From such a position, we can

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Dated a Coworker? How to Deal With a Breakup at Work

One of the hazards of dating a coworker is breaking up with a coworker! Here’s how to deal with a breakup at work – ranging from the obvious (quit your job) to the practical (avoid the temptation to get revenge at work). “It’s heartbreaking to see my ex every single day at work,” comments a reader on my How to Get Over a Bad Breakup article. “I can’t avoid seeing him because we run a business together, and now I’m

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Starting Over After Face Transplant Surgery

You’ve heard of heart, liver and heart transplants…but face transplant surgery? Here’s how three people are starting over after facing the unthinkable: getting a new face from an organ donor.

Money Lessons for Women in Their 50s and 60s

These money lessons for women in their fifties and sixties are from the financial experts at Women & Co (a website dedicated to finances for women). They also contributed Money Lessons for Women in Their 20s, 30s, and 40s, here on See Jane Soar. “Age is more than just a number when it comes to financial planning,” says Lisa Caputo and Linda Descano – the dynamic duo behind Women & Co. “Starting early can help give you a leg up

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Lighten Up to Get More Done – Dr Estelle Ramey

The life lesson: you don’t have to be serious or grim to get more done and pursue your dreams! The successful woman: witty feminist Estelle Ramey, who was a Georgetown University endocrinologist and women’s libber (1917-2006). “Men were designed for short, nasty, brutal lives,” said Ramey. “Women are designed for long, miserable ones.” She was kidding, of course…wasn’t she? Women do live longer, and maybe we are more miserable. We’re certainly subject to the whims of PMS and perimenopause, and fits of jealousy and

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A Wine Store Owner Describes How to Manage a Wine Shop

Here, a wine store owner describes her career in the wine industry: managing her gourmet food and wine shops. This job description reveals that owning a wine store is a labor of love and passion. As with any small business, knowing how to manage a specialty shop brings its challenges — and its rewards. One of the most surprising things about Tracy Kellner, owner of two Provenance Food & Wine shops in Chicago, is how enthusiastically she embraces the food and wine

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Why do Women (and Men!) Gossip? – Barbara Walters

Gossip affects our health, relationships, and careers — for better and for worse. Why do men and women gossip? Partly because it’s good for us! Science and evolution shows that gossip can improve our health and survival rates.  Here’s what the successful Barbara Walters says about gossip: “Show me someone who never gossips, and I’ll show you someone who isn’t interested in people.” And another zippy quip about gossip: “If you haven’t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.”  ~ Alice Roosevelt Longworth. Let’s

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Best Ways to Think More Creatively – Maya Angelou

How could I describe the best ways to think more creatively – and fire up your creative juices! – without calling on the great Maya Angelou? If you want to brainstorm more creative ideas, think more creatively, and add more creativity to your life, trust this poet to give you the key to firing up your creative juices… “You can’t use up creativity,” says Maya Angelou. “The more you use, the more you have.” The secret to being more creative

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Website Designer Job Description – Developing Sites Online

In this website designer job description, Kim Hill shares what it’s like to develop sites online for businesses and individuals. She loves being a small business owner, despite the uncertainties that go along with being self-employed. Here, she offers career tips for people who hope to put their creative skills to work. Kim Hill has a degree…but it’s not in computer design. “I have a degree in criminology”, she says.  “Everything I know about my business is self-taught.”  At Karsun

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Succeeding by Taking Risks – Amelia Earhart

The life lesson: to succeed, you have to take risks. The successful woman in history: Amelia Earhart. Here’s how Earhart succeeded by taking risks…and how her experience applies to your life! “…I believe that little red airplane said something to me as it swished by,” said Earhart – but even though she loved planes, she couldn’t “just” fly. Earhart had to work hard to earn money to pay for flight lessons, planes, fuel, contest entry fees, navigators, and so on…and she earned her

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How to Handle Negative or Bossy Co-Workers – Sophia Loren

A reader asked about responding to bossy co-workers on my Coping With Negative Coworkers Who Drain Your Energy article. Here are a few ideas on handling difficult people at work, with inspiration from Sophia Loren. “Getting ahead in a difficult profession [or with difficult co-workers] requires avid faith in yourself,” said Loren. “That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go so much further than people with vastly superior talent.” To deal with or confront anyone

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Reading Nonverbal Signals From Your Co-Workers or Boss – Esteé Lauder

Your fellow employees communicate nonverbally, and understanding their messages can make or break your job! Here are five ways to read signals from your co-workers or boss — with a special focus on the office or cubicle (not body language). And, a sprinkle of inspirational career quotations from Esteé Lauder might increase your motivation to succeed at work… “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” ~ Esteé Lauder. She didn’t become one of the

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