Here are five ways to hold on to hope even when despair and hopelessness threatens to overwhelm you. Stay hopeful when life seems hopeless.
Blog Posts
One step at a time is the best way to start preparing for death. Here are several emotional, practical, and spiritual ways to prepare yourself for death...
Whether flower bouquets are boring or brilliant gifts depends on who you’re sending flowers to! Some people love getting flowers, while others (flower shop employees?) find floral bouquets boring. One thing we know for sure: flowers are a great stress management “tool”… “Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.” ~ Sigmund Freud. If you think flowers are a good gift, check out the Peruvian Lilies – Fresh Cut Flowers on Amazon. Gorgeous! And here are four …
There's something on this list for every woman, and for every husband who wants to know what to buy his wife for Christmas.
The best charity fundraising idea is to share how your charity affects people. This sample speech is from a fundraising Gala hosted by Big Sisters in Vancouver.
Gossip affects our health, relationships, and careers — for better and for worse. Why do men and women gossip? Partly because it’s good for us! Science and evolution shows that gossip can improve our health and survival rates. Here’s what the successful Barbara Walters says about gossip: “Show me someone who never gossips, and I’ll show you someone who isn’t interested in people.” And another zippy quip about gossip: “If you haven’t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.” ~ Alice Roosevelt Longworth. Let’s …
These tips on starting over after a breakup will help you see that your relationship isn’t the most important thing in your life. You CAN move on and be happy again!
The thought of starting over after infertility is painful for most women. Here's how Lesley Pyne started over after her disappointing journey through infertility treatments.
Eleven years of living with ulcerative colitis has taught me several ways to stop flare ups. Most are natural and easy…but one is a pain in the butt. Literally!
Here's a list of the pros and cons, to help you decide if online university courses are a good way to get a degree.
How do you know when you're ready to adopt a dog after your dog died? These signs will help you decide.
Here's a recent research study that reveals the best time to buy plane tickets – and it’s the exact opposite of what most people think.
One of the most thoughtful sympathy gifts when Grandpa dies is a comfort candle. The one pictured has a beautiful saying about family and memories to treasure.
How could I describe the best ways to think more creatively – and fire up your creative juices! – without calling on the great Maya Angelou? If you want to brainstorm more creative ideas, think more creatively, and add more creativity to your life, trust this poet to give you the key to firing up your creative juices… “You can’t use up creativity,” says Maya Angelou. “The more you use, the more you have.” The secret to being more creative …