Here's a creative way to combine two business ideas: offer life coaching services as you give manicures. In this life coach job description, you'll how a certified life and wellness coach also works as a professional manicurist.
Blog Posts
Many people wonder how alcoholism can be a disease, because drinking is a choice. Here is a simple explanation of alcoholism as a disease, based on a question from a reader whose sister is an alcoholic.
Here are the pros and cons of changing your name back to your maiden or family name after getting a divorce, plus tips on how to change your name.
You know breaking up was the right thing to do, but you feel guilty anyway. Here’s how to stop feeling guilty about the breakup and start healing. On my article about letting go of someone you love, a reader asked how she can stop feeling guilty about breaking up with her boyfriend of four years. Here are my suggestions, starting with a quotation from a strong woman in history. “This is all you have,” says Dr Laura Schlessinger. “This is not …
Deciding if it's time to put your dog to sleep is heart wrenching. Here's what a veterinarian says about making this decision for your dog and your family.
Is it the cook's first time cooking a turkey? These Thanksgiving gift ideas will help him or her host an inaugural Thanksgiving turkey dinner.
Whether you want to start a graphic design business or put a little “oomph” into the business you have, you can’t miss this job description! Here, a self-employed Vancouver-based graphic designer offers salary and career tips for aspiring designers. “The general public has a surprisingly low awareness of what communication designers do, exactly,” says Kathy Sigstad, who created Stringbean Design. “Everything in the natural world grows perfectly all on its own, but everything in the human world is shaped by the human mind and hand.” Sigstad …
These cremation urns range from pendants to green burial vessels. What I love about Artisurn (artist's urns) is the idea of healing through beauty and ashes. Here are several different types of cremation urns - including pendants that hold ashes - which were created with love by artisans who specialize in memorial resting places.
Had a not-good, terrible, horrible, bad day at work? These ways to pamper yourself at home will help you gather strength and energy to face tomorrow.
What’s the bed and breakfast business like? Here, a B and B hotel owner – aka an innkeeper – shares her job description and offers career tips for aspiring bed and breakfast business owners… Nancy Hinchliff owns and operates Aleksander House, a bed and breakfast in Louisville, Kentucky. She says that most guests are surprised that running a bed and breakfast is so much work. “Most have a very romantic idea of what a bed and breakfast is. They forget …
Need a birthday gift for a “word gamer”? Here are several of the best board games for people who love playing with words, sentences, and dictionaries. And, a quip for the birthday card: “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.” ~ Maya Angelou. Your word lover knows that words mean far more than what’s written on paper — a single two-letter word can mean the difference …
Fall asleep fast with these natural remedies for sleep from doctors, psychologists, and my own research on how to sleep better. The more good sleep you get, the healthier and happier you'll be.
Learning how to overcome loneliness during the Christmas holiday season depends on the type of lonely you feel. There are actually three types of loneliness - and the cure for your feelings of being alone depends on several factors.
Make Your Logo Legal by Registering a Trademark Registering a trademark is something both new and “old” entrepreneurs wonder about; these trademark tips will help you decide if you should make your logo legal. If you’re an entrepreneur on your way to success (or you’re already running a successful small business!), it might make sense to protect your creative genius by registering it as a trademark. Before the tips, a quip: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of …
Do you feel guilty after giving your dog away or "rehoming" him or her? Here's how to cope - it's a letter my dog wrote to her previous owner (with a little help from me!). This letter might help you see that you did the right thing.