Blog Posts

How to Help Kids Cope With a Pet’s Death

After a pet dies, you may not know what to tell your children. These five tips for telling kids about pet loss are from Letting Go of an Animal You Love: 75 Ways to Survive Pet Loss. It's my ebook; I interviewed pet loss experts, grief counselors, and veterinarians for the healthiest tips for grieving the death of a beloved dog or cat.

Does Owning a Dog Make You Happy?

If you haven’t figured out exactly how owning a dog makes you happy, you’ll find the answers here. This is a summary of research on dogs and happiness.

5 Signs You’re a Toxic Friend

Most of us can recognize a bad friendship fairly quickly, but we may not know if we ourselves are toxic friends. These signs you're in a toxic friendship will help you see yourself more clearly.

What is a Laser Therapist? Inside a Laser Light Therapy Job

You’re not alone if you’re wondering what a laser therapist is and does! Get inside a laser light therapy job with this self-employed laser technician. She doesn’t just explain the laser acupuncture process, she shares what it’s like to work as a laser therapist. Maureen Lucas-West is the business manager of Imagine Laserworks North Shore in Vancouver, BC. She is also the primary laser technician, office administrator, and chief “bottle washer”! “A lot of people hear ‘laser acupuncture’ and have

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Should You Adopt a Second Dog?

If you love pets, you might wonder if you should adopt a second dog. Here’s a list of the pros and cons of adopting another pet, plus a few tips for adding a second dog to your family.

Help Grieving the Death of Your Dog

Here are several different ideas to help you process the grief you feel about the death of your dog. Nothing will take your loss away, but these resources will show you that you’re not alone.

10 Thoughtful Thank You Gifts for Caregivers

Say thank you to a paid caregiver or express gratitude to a family member with the most thoughtful thank you gifts for caregivers. Inspiration for gift ideas came when I helped facilitate caregiver support groups for the Alzheimer's Society in Vancouver.

Is My Dog Happy? A Dog Personality Test

Not all dogs are happy, according to research using a type of dog personality test to assess moods in dogs. Here’s how to know if your dog is happy, pessimistic, or optimistic.

Sleep Questions and Answers

What are your questions about sleeping, waking, sleep disorders, or sleep deprivation? Ask, and ye shall receive sleep facts. The sleep blog is for people who need help sleeping.

How to Be Spiritual in Your Daily Life

It's easy to "practice spirituality" when you're meditating or reading Anne Lamott. More difficult is everyday life! These 25 tips on how to be spiritual in daily life will help you stay peaceful all day long.