How do you know when you're ready to adopt a dog after your dog died? These signs will help you decide.
Blog Posts
Here's a recent research study that reveals the best time to buy plane tickets – and it’s the exact opposite of what most people think.
One of the most thoughtful sympathy gifts when Grandpa dies is a comfort candle. The one pictured has a beautiful saying about family and memories to treasure.
How could I describe the best ways to think more creatively – and fire up your creative juices! – without calling on the great Maya Angelou? If you want to brainstorm more creative ideas, think more creatively, and add more creativity to your life, trust this poet to give you the key to firing up your creative juices… “You can’t use up creativity,” says Maya Angelou. “The more you use, the more you have.” The secret to being more creative …
Why do people get addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, sex, gambling? Here’s why trauma is the root cause of addiction and how trauma leads to addictive behavior.
The first book you wrote got rejected by literary agents, publishers, and even your mom. These tips for writing a book are for you and all the other thousands of writers just like you. You -- and I! -- need to learn how to bounce back after getting rejected.
Seeing someone you love in hospice care can be scary and painful. These ideas for how to help a loved one in hospice are practical, and will help alleviate the fear and awkwardness you may feel when you visit.
These gift ideas for animal lovers range from beautiful hummingbird pendants to a hands-on day at a horse therapy ranch. I've also included Grumpy Cat gift ideas and animal print duvet covers.
In this website designer job description, Kim Hill shares what it’s like to develop sites online for businesses and individuals. She loves being a small business owner, despite the uncertainties that go along with being self-employed. Here, she offers career tips for people who hope to put their creative skills to work. Kim Hill has a degree…but it’s not in computer design. “I have a degree in criminology”, she says. “Everything I know about my business is self-taught.” At Karsun …
These tips on talking to teens about birth control aren’t just for counselors – they’ll help parents, youth workers, and anyone who lives or works with youth.
Don't let negative coworkers sap your strength and drain your energy. These tips for coping with toxic, negative coworkers will help you stay strong, healthy, and happy.
Here’s how to know if you have bed bugs, plus an easy treatment for itchy bed bug bites. The most common sign of bed bugs is bites on your body, which cause itchy welts and often appear in a zigzag pattern.
The life lesson: to succeed, you have to take risks. The successful woman in history: Amelia Earhart. Here’s how Earhart succeeded by taking risks…and how her experience applies to your life! “…I believe that little red airplane said something to me as it swished by,” said Earhart – but even though she loved planes, she couldn’t “just” fly. Earhart had to work hard to earn money to pay for flight lessons, planes, fuel, contest entry fees, navigators, and so on…and she earned her …
Here's the appeal letter I wrote to my bank, TD Canada Trust, to appeal their decision not to reimburse my checking and Visa accounts after thieves stole my purse and stole my money.
A reader asked about responding to bossy co-workers on my Coping With Negative Coworkers Who Drain Your Energy article. Here are a few ideas on handling difficult people at work, with inspiration from Sophia Loren. “Getting ahead in a difficult profession [or with difficult co-workers] requires avid faith in yourself,” said Loren. “That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go so much further than people with vastly superior talent.” To deal with or confront anyone …