These tips for throwing a Goddess Party are both practical and inspirational! They’re inspired by a quotation from Madonna, who is a Goddess of authenticity, self-confidence, and self-identity.
My first tip on how to throw a Goddess party is to wear a goddess costume, such as the Love Goddess Costume. Why? To get into the groove of being a goddess, to express yourself, and to feel beautiful.
“I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams,” said Madonna. Who can argue with doing what you believe in and going after your dreams? And the more successful women (Goddesses) you surround yourself with, the more likely you’ll get what you want out of life – whether you want a college degree or freedom from depression.
And that’s what a Goddess party is all about: connecting with women to energize your mind, body, and soul. These tips for throwing a Goddess party will give you ideas.
How to Throw a Goddess Party
If you’re combining a Goddess party with a birthday party, read 40th Birthday Gift Ideas for Women – From Easy to Extravagant.
1. Invite women to dress like Goddesses
Encourage the women you invite to wear clothes that make them feel authentic, real, and Goddess-like. Stress that they don’t have to wear ornate costumes; Goddesses need only adorn themselves with clothes that make them feel happy, spirited, encouraged, or soulful. Feather boas, faux-fur purses, pink cowgirl boots, glittery tiara – anything and everything goes at a Goddess party!
2. Don’t listen to or feel the music; be the music
The last Goddess party I attended involved a musical saw, drums, a guitar, the spoons, a musical egg, and “tap” boots (one Goddess made music by drumming the heel of her boots on the ground). Encourage your friends to bring whatever instruments they have – even if it’s a recorder from their elementary school days or a couple of spoons from the kitchen drawer. You don’t have to sing like Madonna to be the music!
3. Move your Goddess bodies
If you’re throwing a party to celebrate women, consider a short physical activity. For instance, the last Goddess party I went to had a Nia lesson, which was not only fun and invigorating, it taught us a new way to move our bodies. Consider getting a fellow Goddess to lead a short belly dance, hip-hop, or yoga lesson. Anything goes!
4. Invite your Goddesses to share
“Ode to the Female Period” was a deep-yet-funny poem read by a writer at the Goddess party I went to. I admired her writing skills, and also her courage and ease at reading in public. Some women balk at being so vulnerable – I know I do. If you’re throwing a Goddess party, consider asking your friends to bring something that is encouraging, positive, and uplifting to women.
Another way to share is to organize a “gifting circle”, which was described by a reader in the comments section below. A similar idea is a white elephant gift exchange – read 14 White Elephant Gift Ideas for Parties for tips.
5. Explore other worlds
One of the Goddesses read our Tarot cards at the party I attended. A spiritual or soulful activity can connect the group as a whole (even with individual readings) and solidify individual hopes and dreams. Not every Goddess has to have her cards, tea leaves, or palm read – but it can be interesting to explore those worlds!
The foundation of any Goddess party is acceptance of self, others, and life.
Do you have any thoughts about or tips for throwing a Goddess Party? Please share below!
“I’m tough, I’m ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a b****h, okay.” – Madonna.
This article has been rewritten in my new “Putting Parables Into Practice” format, and published here on my Bounce Back Babe blog. It’s called 6 Tips for Planning a Goddess Party on Valentine’s Day.
5 comments On 5 Tips for Throwing a Goddess Party
Imagine if some men threw a Goddess Party. If they invited all of their interesting friends, male and female, to attend and to celebrate together the goddess within themselves. What if the women were thrilled? What if the men were honored to honor? What if, as a result, the men came to appreciate their female co-celebrants in new and special ways? What if the women felt appreciated as women by each other as well as by the men who came to honor them in body as well as spirit? Wouldn’t THAT be interesting? I wonder if it ever happens.
Thanks for sharing it’s very helpful for me.
Yes these tips for throwing a Goddess Party are both practical and inspirational! These Goddess party tips are based on a quotation from our contemporary Madonna: a Goddess of authenticity, self-confidence, and self-identity. Thank you for sharing.
The most important part of a goddess party is to dance!
Dance expresses creativity, strength, individuality, hope, fertility, and lots of goddess traits. Dance doesn’t need rules or words. It expresses the essence of who a woman is.
If you have a goddess party, I hope you DANCE!!!!
One thing I have done when throwing a Goddess Party, have a gifting circle.
What that is, is where everyone brings something of their own,..that they like or has special meaning to them,..that they want to give away. I tell the ladies to think about some of their things,..then say to themselves.. okay, who wants to go on an adventure? See what thing pops to the surface,..comes to mind.
The ladies are told to bring their offering/gift in an anonymous bag, have a room set up to have a lady be able to slip in and taking the item out of the bag and arranging it as she likes in a designated area or place. (bed, table , shelf etc.) then slipping back out. Thusly none of the ladies know who brought what.
After a time of doing other GP things. Hostess announces time for the Gifting to begn. you can draw numbers or in some other way who goes first second and so on, each person goes in alone,..chooses what gift they are drawn to,..comes out holding up and or saying what they chose. The person who brought that particular gift says “oh that was mine! :)” Then the next person goes in, while the two ladies share with each other(and or the group) what was/is special about the item and why they chose it.
This goes on until everyone has something new and special to go home with.