This list of 10 high paying jobs for college students will help you find work – and you haven’t seen #2 or #10 on a list like this before! Plus, tips on how to get hired and things to remember when you’re looking for work as a college student.
When I researched this list of jobs for college students, I discovered that Starbucks was listed as high paying job for college student. According to that article, Starbucks pays $6 to $13 per hour. Is this a high wage? The problem is that “high paying jobs” is a relative term. I don’t think $10 or $12 an hour is a high paying job for college students…do you? If so, this list will exceed your wildest dreams of making money as a student.
The most important thing to remember is that you have to stand out if you want a high paying job as a college student. Read Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0: How to Stand Out from the Crowd and Tap Into the Hidden Job Market using Social Media and 999 other Tactics Today by Jay Conrad Levinson and David E. Perry for tips. And, here are eight things to remember when you’re on a job interview: Stay on point – don’t wander into other subjects; talk about why you want to work for the company; be genuine; be results-oriented; think about what you want the hiring manager to remember about you; think about what the employer wants to hear; try to look at all the experience you have through their perspective; talk about your experience and explain why it would be important to a company.
High Paying Jobs for College Students
1. Bartender or waitress at a nightclub or high end restaurant. I worked at a sports bar when I was in university, and made $450 in tips in one night (plus my hourly wage, which was probably $5 or $6 an hour at that time). Waitressing or bartending is without a doubt one of the best high paying jobs for college students. Except for the hours. How do you get hired? Go to the nightclub in person, and make sure your resume is as professional as if you were applying for a job at a law firm. Talk to the bartender and waitstaff, and ask for tips on getting hired.
2. Dog walker. How’s this for the grand finale of my 10 high paying jobs for college students? My dog walker charges $23 for a two hour walk, and she takes six or seven dogs on every walk. This can become a good source of income – as well as a great way to stay healthy and fit. How do you get hired? Call the dog walker businesses in your area…or drum up your own clients at the nearest dog park. In Dog Walking Rates – How Much to Pay a Dog Walker, I share an even better job for college students that pays alot of money: a pet sitter. At the end of that article, I link to a book about making six figures as a house or pet sitter. That’s an excellent high paying job for a college student, because it doesn’t require much extra work.
3. Tutor for other college students. If you’re a whiz in physics, chem, or math, you can earn money teaching your peers the formulas and equations. This is a great job for college students because it reinforces your own learning, which means you can afford to study less later. But, it is a high paying job? It depends who hires you, and how you run your tutoring business. How do you get hired? Make sure you know your subject, and post signs around campus. Word of mouth is the best way to attract clients.
4. Editor of college essays, theses, reports, etc. Writing is difficult for some college students, especially if English isn’t their second language. This could be a high paying job if you work for the right college students. How much you charge per hour depends on the market and your clients. How do you get hired? The same tips above, for starting a business tutoring college students.
5. Nanny. I’m including this on my list of high paying jobs for college students because my niece made $25 an hour babysitting, and had to turn down jobs. Part time nannies in wealthy areas of big cities make more than this. You might even be able to live with the family as part of your earnings, which will eliminate your rent and household bils. That’s one of the best ways to make college cheaper! How do you get hired? You need lots of previous experience as a nanny or childcare worker, and excellent references.
6. School bus driver. I found a list of jobs that pay up to $40 an hour, but they all require some sort of training (eg, makeup artist, dance teacher, flight attendant). According to this article, school bus drivers earn $12.40 to $16.70 nationally. Pay is often higher in urban areas, such as New York City, where the hourly median wage is $29.50. How much training do you need to be a bus driver – and is it feasible for college students? It depends on your past experience and college schedule. The other thing with the list I found of of high paying jobs for college students is that it’s based on at least five years’ experience on the job. Here’s the article: 7 Part-Time Jobs That Pay Up To $40 An Hour.
7. Freelance writer. I hesitated to put this on my list of high paying jobs for college students, even though freelance writing can pay very, very well. I earn $600 per article when I write for alive magazine – and that’s only .50 cents a word! When I was freelancing full time, I earned $1 a word. If you’re a good writer, freelancing is a great job opportunity. How do you get hired? Start pitching ideas to magazine editors.
To learn how to make writing a high paying job for college students, read How Writing Careers Happen.
8. Commissioned salesperson. If you work on commission, you don’t earn an hourly wage or base salary, but, you do have the potential to earn more on sales than some employees make in a whole day or week! The most successful salespeople work at car dealerships, electronics stores, and investment banks. Rumour has it they regularly drum up $100,000 or more per year in commission. How do you get hired? Go to the car dealership, store, or investment bank in person. Take your resume.
9. Cleaning person. I tried cleaning houses when I was in university, but got fired after the first day. I’m not a detail person, and I’m fine with streaky windows and dusty shelves. But, it was a high paying job when I was a student! I think it paid $15 at the time – and that was 20 years ago. How do you get hired? Call Molly Maid.
If none of these high paying jobs for college students appeal to you, read 5 Reasons to Love Student Loan Debt.
10. Dancer. About five years ago, the Canadian government banned foreign dancers. So, nightclubs in Toronto recruited college and university students – and Tim Lambrinos of the Adult Entertainment Association of Canada says almost half the dancers at some clubs are students. I don’t know what the hourly wage is, but dancing is definitely a high paying job for college students. How do you get hired? Prepare to audition, and search the internet for more specific tips on getting hired.
What would it be like not to have to work at all? Awesome. Read Scholarships for Women Going Back to School.
Things to Remember About Student Jobs

“10 High Paying Jobs for College Students” image by Laurie
Avoid long commutes. The closer you stay to home or campus, the happier you’ll be! You’ll have more time to study, exercise, and prepare healthy meals for your body and mind. Try not to get a job that is more than an hour from your home – because time is money. Read 30 Home Business Ideas – Plus “How To” Guides for ideas.
Where you live affects how much money you make. Your environment dictates your wages. If you live in a small college town, you won’t earn as much as if you live in New York City, Vancouver, or London. You can do the exact same job in two different places, and earn widely different amounts of money.
Don’t work for yourself. Starting a small business takes too much time and effort for college students – especially if they’re passionate about their work! For instance, blogging is my small business. I’m also going to school for my Master’s of Social Work, and I have a really hard time doing both. I love blogging, and hate having to drag myself away to class. I know this tip contradicts some of my high paying jobs for college students, but I think it’s better to work for someone else when you’re in school.
What do you think about these high paying jobs for college students? Comments welcome below…
4 comments On 10 High Paying Jobs for College Students
Hi Jane,
Are you a college student looking for a part time writing job? Blogging can be high paying, but it takes a long time to build up readership and traffic. It’s definitely a small business – and small businesses take a lot of time!
If writing isn’t your thing, I’d recommend one of the other part time jobs on this list. College students need to focus on their studies, not starting a new business…unless the business requires almost no time or effort.
Just my two cents 🙂
This is an excellent list for college students. I never took the opportunity to be a waitress or bartender when I was younger, but I wish I had. It would have been better pay than working an hourly wage. If you’re great at what you do, you can make amazing tips, especially at the higher end restaurants.
I don’t think most freelance writers make $1 per word…but I know the pay rate can go higher than $2 per word! But, like with any high paying job, it takes time and experience to get there. College students may not have the time or energy to work their way up the freelance writing ladder.
There’s some great suggestions here–and they all take some initiative and willingness to work! If someone wants a college degree bad enough, they’ll find a way to get it!