This list of famous introverted movie stars and celebrities has a few names that will surprise you! Included is a test for introversion to help you figure out your own personality traits.

Introvert Advantage
Here’s a quick way to tell if you’re an introvert or an extrovert: “If there is an emergency do you tend to stand still and feel somewhat shut down or in slow motion? If you have a standstill reaction to stress more often, then you are probably an introvert,” says psychotherapist and author Marti Olsen Laney, author of The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World. “In a crisis do you tend to move your body immediately and feel like taking action, maybe without pausing to think? Then you are probably an extrovert if you react with movement.”
Below is a list of famous introverts, plus information about introverted personality types and traits. Introverts, famous or not, do not have personality disorders. A reader recently asked me about introverted personality types and traits, and I was shocked at the misperceptions people have about introverts.
Common Questions About Introverts
Is introversion a personality disorder? No! Introverts are normal. Extroverts are normal. Neither type of personality is a personality disorder. However, I did write an article called When Your Personality Causes Problems – Unhappy Introverts, because some personality types can veer off in unhealthy directions. Of course, this can happen to extroverts, too.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with introverted personality traits, though introverts are commonly seen as abnormal, nerds, loners, withdrawn, shy, and unfriendly. Introverts can also be seen as lacking social skills.
- Enjoy time alone
- Consider only deep relationships as friends
- Feel drained after outside activities, even if they were fun
- Are often good listeners
- Appear calm and self-contained
- Think then speak or act
Julia Roberts is an introvert, who is also a famous actress. (image by jason-sh, via flickr)
People with introverted personalities have an inward focus and aren’t usually the “life of the party.” Introverts have a strong sense of self that can make them feel highly self-conscious around other people – making walking into a crowded room a little nerve-wracking. Introverts have a hard time being goofy in front of the camera and telling jokes to more than a couple of people at a time, but they can be extremely witty. They’re less “Larry, Curly, and Moe” and more Woody Allen – but that doesn’t mean introverts’ personality traits are neurotic!
Introverts process their emotions, thoughts, and observations internally. They can be social people, but reveal less about themselves than extroverts do. Introverts are more private, and less public. Introverts need time to think before responding to a situation, and develop their ideas by reflecting privately. Introverts’ personality traits can be passionate, and sometimes aggressive.
Many introverts prefer working at home – though there are some jobs for people who like working alone in my list of high paying jobs for college students.
Though different, introverts and extroverts can fall in love and have happy relationship. Read Extroverts and Introverts in Love if you’re an extrovert in love with an introvert, or vice versa!
Is it possible for an introvert to become an extrovert? I suppose introverts can force themselves to be more extroverted, but why? Not for career success, because introverted people can be just as successful professionally as extroverts – especially if they work in a job that is suitable for introverts. Introverts don’t need to become extroverts for relationship success, even if they’re with extroverts. There’s no reason for introverts to become extroverts – especially if they are able to work with their strengths.
What advantages does an introvert have?
According to Laney, author of The Introvert Advantage, there are several advantages to being an introvert:
- work well with others, especially in one-to-one relationships
- maintain long-term friendships
- flexible
- independent
- strong ability to concentrate
- self-reflective
- responsible
- creative, out-of-the-box thinking
- analytical skills that integrate complexity
- studious and smart

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain is an excellent book that highlights the strengths of people with introverted personality traits.
I’m an introvert, and it’s normal to me. Introverts aren’t as common as extroverts (there are more extroverts in the world than introverts), but that doesn’t mean they’re abnormal or have a personality disorder.
Famous Introverted Actresses
- Candice Bergen, actress, writer, photographer
- Ingrid Bergman, actress
- Ellen Burstyn, actress
- Glenn Close, actress
- Audrey Hepburn, actress
- Helen Hunt, actress
- Diane Keaton, actress
- Grace Kelly, actress
- Jessica Lange, actress
- Laura Linney, actress
- Gwyneth Paltrow, actress
- Michelle Pfeiffer, actress
- Julia Roberts, actress
- Meg Ryan, actress
- Meryl Streep, actress
Famous Introverts – Actors
- Clint Eastwood, actor/director
- Harrison Ford, actor
- Tom Hanks, actor
- Sir Alfred Hitchcock, film director
- Jack Lemmon, late actor
- Bill Macy, actor
- Steve Martin, all around talented guy
- Noah Wiley, actor
Other Famous Introverts
- Johnny Carson, former Tonight Show host
- Jane Clayson, host of CBS Morning Show
- Matt Lauer, co-host on the Today Show
- David Letterman, host of the David Letterman Show
- Diane Sawyer, co-host of ABC’s Good Morning America
- Barbara Walters, host of 20/20
If you’re wondering if you’re an introvert, take this Test for Introverted Personality Traits.
Source of the “famous introverts” information: The Introvert Advantage.
9 comments On Famous People Who Are Introverts
Thanks for the article and raising awareness about introversion. I’m a left hand introvert (in a righthanded extroverted world) and spend about 70% of my time alone. I’ve faced shame of being a loner, a long with weight shaming being very thin. I’ve managed to be a great,honest,long term friend. My relationships are almost always one on one and once more people are introduced I gain a heightened awareness, though n
I’ve recently discovered that I’m an introvert, and I have to say that I love reading articles like this just to know that there are many people out there like me!
I really don’t mind being introverted, but it is discouraging that being quiet makes people associate me with so many negative things, like being anti-social, a loner, etc. when in reality I just don’t like to talk unless I have something meaningful to say (and someone meaningful to talk to!)
Thanks for writing this; it’s always nice to know that I’m not alone. 🙂
wow!!! This is a fantastic day of my life……i feel much relieved and much happier than ever I am an introvert and had been facing a lot of pressure from my family, teachers, friends that iam abnormal and need to change. But now i found out that i am okay and from now i can be as i want and don’t want to act as an extravert any more……!!
I suspect that there are far many more introverts than extraverts in this world than most people would confess to only because we live in a culture that promotes social interaction especially with all the tech gadgets designed to foster more social relationships. Furthermore, it is not cool to be a loner. It is also my belief that many people only masquerade as extroverts thinking that this is the desired way to be. It goes against the grain of who we are. Putting on a social mask does not make you anymore connected with people than one who prefers to spend time alone connecting with others in different ways. I enjoy coming up with ideas to help others, prey for others and take joy in seeing others enjoying life. I work for a preschool program that promotes social-emotional development and I think we have to be careful not to make children feel bad about not wanting to play with other children, at times. It is important to let children know that its ok to want to want to be alone as long as it does not adversely affect their self esteem and self image.
People who don’t make life a living hell for me because I’m an Introvert will later do so if they learn I’m a “secular socialist” (i.e. Atheist). Therefore to the average, ignorant a$$hole, I have all the characteristics of a serial killer and if my “godlessness” isn’t enough, the Fear of my presence is usually enough to disturb the overly-religious people.
All it takes is one glib a$$hole to make up a story about me and the others will follow along adding to it. All it takes is a few whispers “He doesn’t believe in god!” to kick it off. Or something entirely different: “He thinks he’s better than us so he doesn’t want to associate with us.” “I bet he’s on drugs.” “Maybe there are Voices in his Head that are talking to him?” Add to the fact that this vicious circle only adds to my alienation and anxiety, to say nothing about increasing my social phobias, and the fact that I don’t go around with a stupid smile on my face like so many people. Oh, and because I don’t act like an outgoing introvert who flexes his muscles and puts on a bravado display in front of women (including using the word “f**k” in any which way possible and as often as possible)…I’m often called a Faggot or so goes the rumors. So Many Stupid Assumptions are made about me… And the brighter assholes out there like to piece them together via fabricated nonsense stories, and build upon them. The easiest solution is simply for me to Remove Myself from such people’s presence. Thus in addition to being an Introvert and an Atheist, I’m also a Loner.
My last job was literally my Last job when I found myself wedged between Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims. Even my supervisor was cracking jokes about me. They slowly inched their way into my life, found out that I was reading science fiction novels (complete with “demonic” cover art) rather than the Bible or Kuran, and before long they were nervous just being in my presence. I was framed. One day I went to work and was fired after someone proclaimed I had a gun! I was escorted off the premises and I’ve been unemployed ever since. 5 years and counting.
After reading the article it seems like I am more introverted as a part time artist I enjoy time a lone when I’m able to find the time
However I also love meeting new people and
Enjoy Doing a lot of extroverted activities.I have heard of the book the power of quiet and. Would truthfully say I am an ambivert whoch is a balance of being both personality tupes
At 60 I’m learning to embrace my “lonerrness”. My family were all extroverts. My mom shamed me because I preferred to be alone and didn’t have many friends. I don’t enjoy parties, noise and confusion. She always told me there was something wrong with me and when “they” found out “they” would lock me up. Needless to say, I’ve tried my best to fit in to a world I don’t understand or enjoy. Now at this late stage I’m learning there’s nothing wrong with me, I just wasn’t like my family. What a relief. I can now be me and not worry about being locked away. I’m sure there are others like me who worry because “loners” have such a bad rep. Most of the mass murders are described as loners. That makes people think every loner is going postal. I live in a very social State. “Loners” are not understood here or accepted. Because I don’t socialize much I’ve had my property vandalized, neighbors have called the police to report me dead, and kids like to ring my doorbell and run (I’ve since cut the wires). At work, I’ve been reprimanded because I don’t say good morning enough. Thanks to people like you, Anthony Storr, & Anneli Rufus I’ve learned I’m in good company as a loner. Thank you.
You asked why the interest in introverts. I am an introvert (No need to take the quiz. 🙂 I have know and been OK with it most of my life.) I have two daughters who are introverts as well. Another daughter, my youngest, is an extrovert.
My middle daughter is in her last year in high school at a new school and is being ostrisized for being a loner. She is artistic in many ways such as drawing (mostly anime), writing, pottery and any crafty thing she can come up with… especially making clothes and jewelry. Being that it is a new school, the students haven’t grown up knowing her and accepting her. Knowing this, I guess it is sad to say that I’m not surprised by their judgmental beliefs… Kids can be cruel. Just yesterday, however, two of her teachers made poor choices and belittled her. One in particular really went too far by stating that “loners” were “losers”. He stated that something was wrong with them for not wanting to friend request strangers on Facebook and hang out. Called them homebodies with no life. REALLY ticked me off. My daughter was offended, of course. Not only does she recognize herself as a “loner” but so do others at school and while he was talking the students were snickering and looking at her. The teacher, knowing this, continued.
I feel he is unfair to make judgments on people because they won’t follow their peers blindly. My daughter is carful to choose friends and prefers time alone. Is happy with it. I am going to suggest that she write an essay on introverted people who are famous. I am actually interested in finding more musically artistic, crafty artistic, and scientifically inspired people. I have found that Emily Dickinson and Isaac Newton were introverts. I’m sure that many great composers were as well.
Thanks for sharing your information. It will be very helpful.
I took the introvert personality test and found out I’m an Extrovert. However, I feel like I’m also an introvert, as I love spending time alone to write, do research, and read. So I guess I’m a combination of the two, probably like a lot of people.