10 Divorce Gifts

After the divorce is finalized, you'll want to pamper and care for yourself. These divorce gifts offer a wide range of ideas that will help anyone feel better after the final papers are signed.

How to Survive a Shattered Heart

Has life shattered your heart? Here are five tips on how to survive with half a heart, inspired by a girl who survived six heart attacks by the time she was nine years old.

How to Manage Money After Divorce

Don’t let divorce devastate your finances – use these tips on how to manage money after divorce to build a firm financial foundation for your future.

How to Start Over After a Breakup

These tips on starting over after a breakup will help you see that your relationship isn’t the most important thing in your life. You CAN move on and be happy again!

Who Gets Custody of the Children After Divorce?

Legal custody arrangements are different in every province and state, but there are some similarities. Here’s a brief summary of who often gets custody of the children after divorce and how the “best interests of the child” affect a judge’s decision. This is part of a paper I wrote for one of my social work classes (I’m working on my Master’s of Social Work at the University of British Columbia). The paper was called Equal Parenting Presumption: An

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What to Expect After Filing for Divorce

Getting divorced feels different for everyone, but there are some things everyone experiences. Here's what to expect after filing for divorce, whether this is your first, second, or third time getting divorced.

Gift Ideas for Friends Getting Divorced

These gift ideas for a friend going through a divorce range from towers of happiness to tools of empowerment, and will help your friend see divorce as a beginning - not just an ending.

How to Know When to Leave a Relationship

Knowing when it’s time to leave a relationship is difficult because it’s not just the relationship you’re leaving, it’s a way of life. You’re leaving a mindset, a way of being.

How to Protect Yourself From a Stalker

If you're being stalked - even if you think you're being stalked - here are 19 tips on how to protect yourself from a stalker. Learn what stalking is and how to survive stalking behavior. These tips will help you cope with an angry ex-husband or obsessed boyfriend.