These 10 steps will help you learn how to forgive yourself when you didn’t protect your dog from an accident or death. Guilty feelings after your dog dies are normal, but don't have to weigh you down.
Category: Dog Death
Finding the right dog urn can help you grieve and heal after your dog dies. Here are several types of pet cremation urns for dog ashes, and a parable that explains why dog is man’s best friend.
Nothing will dull the pain of losing a pet, but these tips on how to prepare for the loss of a pet will help you cope when you lose your dog, cat, or other beloved animal companion.
After a pet dies, you may not know what to tell your children. These five tips for telling kids about pet loss are from Letting Go of an Animal You Love: 75 Ways to Survive Pet Loss. It's my ebook; I interviewed pet loss experts, grief counselors, and veterinarians for the healthiest tips for grieving the death of a beloved dog or cat.
Here are several different ideas to help you process the grief you feel about the death of your dog. Nothing will take your loss away, but these resources will show you that you’re not alone.
Four tips on how to cope with anxiety, depression, and regret after putting a dog to sleep. These suggestions for coping with anxious feelings and regret after saying good-bye to your dog are inspired by a Zen parable about two monks.
When your dog is diagnosed with cancer, you'll have to make several difficult decisions about treatments, and possibly say good-bye before you're ready.
If you think you can’t live without your dog, you’re not alone. These tips for surviving your dog's death are inspired by a question from a reader…
These different types of pet memorials include engraved stones, urns, and online tributes to lost pets - all to help you remember your lost dog or cat.
Here's what to do when your dog dies - these tips are from pet owners who lost their dogs. They share what helped them cope with grief, because your dog's death may be one of the hardest things you ever face.
Here's what you need to know about putting your dog to sleep. Veterinarian Marie Haynes shares the most important criteria for putting a dog down and offers help for healing.
You don’t feel know how to decide to put your pet down, so you talk to a veterinarian. Here's how the veterinarian might know it’s the right decision.
If you accidentally hurt your dog or cat - or you had to put your pet down - these ways to deal with guilt for causing your pet's death will help you cope.
If the loss of a pet was due to veterinarian negligence, you’re furious. These tips for dealing with anger at the vet after a pet’s death are inspired by a reader who lost her dog.