Travel Writer Lori Henry Working as a freelance travel writer is as gritty as it is glamorous! This job description and career tips are from a professional travel writer, who is based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lori Henry works all over the world, and has written for several national magazines. Here, she describes her job as a travel writer and offers a bit o’ career advice for aspiring freelancers. But first, a writing quip: “I write when I’m inspired, and I …
Category: Arts
Writer’s Coach Daphne Gray-Grant In this job description, a writing coach describes how she helps writers get published. Her career includes writing magazine articles, developing communications plans, advising companies on media relations — and coaching writers, of course! Daphne Gray-Grant is self-employed in Vancouver as a writer, editor, and communications consultant. Here, she describes her job and offers a bit o’ career advice for aspiring freelance writers. But first, a quip from a best-selling author: “I don’t believe in writer’s block,” …