If you’re searching for gifts for grandparents at Christmas (or for elderly parents), you’ll find creative ideas here. Many of these gift ideas for grandpa and grandma are based on my own experience buying gifts for my in-laws and grandparents.

Heart Locket Gift for Grandma
The Sterling Silver Engraved Picture Heart Locket is a beautiful gift for a grandma because she can carry her loved ones close to her heart. The one pictured can hold four family photos – of course, you’d have to insert the photos before you give the gift.
If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on your grandparents’ gift, remember that you can always ask your family members to pitch in financially. Pooling your money to buy a gift for grandparents may be the best solution for all family members, because finding the right gift for grandpa and grandma is challenging for everyone.
Gifts for Grandpa and Grandma
Before you get too caught up in searching for the best gift for your grandparents, remember that you can do no wrong as a child or grandchild. Grandpas and grandmas love you no matter what. The other thing to remember when you’re looking for gifts for grandparents is that they don’t need or want more stuff. Stuff is clutter, stuff makes life more complicated, and stuff isn’t the best gift for grandparents.
If you want to express your love for your grandparents but don’t want to make a big purchase, read 15 Small Gift Ideas for All Occasions.
Tickets to the Cirque de Soleil, concerts, sporting events
I once lived next to a little old lady who had season’s tickets to the city’s hockey team (the Edmonton Oilers!). She went to every game, and took a different person with her every time. It was fun — I went with her once — and I think it kept her young and lively. Tickets to events are one of the best gifts for grandparents because it’s something you can do together. It’s not more garbage or stuff; it’s an experience.
A book about writing their life story – or a professional historian
Many people don’t realize how much history is lost when their grandparents pass on, and they regret not writing down their family’s life history or genealogy. A great gift idea for grandpa or grandma is a book about writing your memoirs – such as Writing Life Stories: How To Make Memories Into Memoirs, Ideas Into Essays And Life Into Literature – perhaps accompanied by a professional life history writer.
Automatic card shuffler

Card Shuffler Gift for Grandparents
This is the gift for grandparents that I mentioned at the beginning of this article: I bought my in-laws (my mother-in-law is 71 and my father-in-law is 82) an automatic card shuffler a few years ago for Christmas, and we use it every year when we visit and play cards. This is one of the best gifts I’ve ever given them – even if they only use it when I’m there, I still love using it to shuffle the deck!
The Automatic Card Shuffler Plus 6 Decks of Playing Cards is good because it’s made of wood. The plastic card shuffler I gave my in-laws is super duper loud. It works great, but it’s all plastic and it makes a horrendous sound when it shuffles the cards. We laugh about it – we have to issue a warning before using it!
A book or class about computers or the internet for seniors
Many grandparents can’t keep in touch through email, Facebook, Twitter, or their children’s blogs because they don’t know how. So, a book or class about computers and the internet – such as Internet for Seniors in Easy Steps – For the Over 50’s – would not only connect them and you, it would keep your grandparents’ brains young, improve their memories, and help them stay in touch with technology. This isn’t the best Christmas gift for grandparents because it’s a little ho-hum, but it’s practical.

Kindle or Kobo – gift for grandparents
Speaking of books or classes about computers…a Kindle Wireless Reader is an excellent Christmas gift for grandparents because they’re light, easy to adjust, and easy to understand. You can preload the Kindle with all sorts of books, which means you’re giving your grandpa and grandmas more than just a Kindle.
If your grandparent is struggling with Alzheimer’s or another dementia-type disease, read Creative Gifts for People With Dementia.
Gourmet treats gift basket – and time together

Tea Gift Basket for Grandparents
Remember how I said the best Christmas gift for grandparents is time spent together? Well, you could give them a “You’re My Cup of Tea” Gourmet Treats Gift Basket, and tell them you’ll visit every week or every two weeks to dive into it together!
I like giving (and receiving) Amazon gift cards almost as much as gourmet gift baskets (which I love a lot)! Good types of gift certificates for grandparents include restaurants, beauty salons, health spas, community centers, gas stations, grocery stores, and continuing education classes.
If your grandma has had breast cancer, read 17 Gift Ideas for After Her Mastectomy Surgery. It’s not the most fun Christmas gift for a grandparent, but it is VERY thoughtful.
An annual membership to a local zoo, aquarium, or museum
Some grandparents would love to round up a few friends and go to fun places like the aquarium or zoo! For others, it’s a great way to spend time with grandchildren. A gift of an annual membership could encourage the family to spend more time together and get to know each other in a different way.
A memory quilt gift for grandma
Creating a quilt out of baby clothes, army uniforms (if your grandparent or dad served in the military), wedding dresses, and other unique clothes or heirlooms is a very special gift. Quilts are practical and meaningful gifts for grandparents, especially if you make it yourself – or you make it with them!
Radio with remote control
An Alarm – Clock Radio Docking Station with Remote is what we gave our grandparents last year. It’s a gift for elderly people that makes their life easier – and it’s especially helpful because it has a remote control. Grandpa and grandma can turn the volume up and down without having to get up.
A monthly flower bouquet – a whimsical gift for grandparents
A monthly bouquet of flowers, roses, tulips, or your grandma’s favorite flower is a wonderful gift that will remind her that you love her – and all year long! Same with a monthly bottle of red wine or Scotch for dear old grandpa, or perhaps a gourmet nut and dried fruit basket for men.
The best gift ideas for grandparents involve stuff that you can do together. Don’t just give your grandpa and grandma another picture frame! Give gifts that encourage y’all to spend time as a family.
For more Christmas gift ideas for grandparents, read Best Gifts for Dog Lovers – 9 Woofy Wonders.
I welcome your thoughts on these gifts for grandpas and grandmas…
This article was previously called Creative Gift Ideas for Elderly Parents and Grandparents, and posted on Quips and Tips for Achieving Your Goals.