How to Become an Energy Healer : The Passion Seeker

Here’s how energy healers are trained, how much money they charge to balance chakras, and how vibrational energy heals the body’s chakras. This is a guest article from a healer who has taken and taught many courses in energy healing.

In What is Energy Healing?, I explore how this therapy can balance the body’s energies for optimal health. This additional information includes the training, cost, and effects of healing vibrational energy. If you want to become an energy healer, this is s good place to start.

“I discovered energy healing from a co-worker who was training in it – she offered to give me free healings as part of her practicum,” says Gini Grey, who teaches about vibrational energy. “Once her practicum was over, I started going to the healing clinic where she trained, to receive healings by donation once a week. After that I was hooked and took classes to learn more about spiritual energy awareness, healing and reading.”

Below, Grey shares how energy healers are trained, how much money energy healers charge for a session, and the effects of vibrational energy. For more info, read Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras: With Light, Color, Sound, Crystals, and Aromatherapy by Joy Gardner.

Energy Healing Training

Guest Post ~ Gini Grey

Most energy healers are trained in some way. I took an eight week course to learn about spiritual energy awareness, getting centered and grounded, and how to run my own energy and give myself a healing before taking the eight week energy healing course. In the healing course we learned how to connect to a spiritual healing assistant to make sure we were using neutral universal healing energy (and not our own) and how to direct the flow through the client’s channels, chakras and aura.

An important part of this course was learning how to make healthy energy separations so we don’t mesh energy with the clients. I then went on to study deeper forms of energy healing and reading in six month long intensive courses.

Are you an introvert? Becoming an energy healer may be challenging for you, because it drains your energy. Read Best Jobs for Introverts and Quiet People.

There are also courses in other forms of energy healing – most nurses in hospitals have taken basic therapeutic touch or healing touch courses. And then there are massage practitioners I know who haven’t taken formal classes but are aware that they are connected to a high vibration of healing energy when they massage clients, so taking courses isn’t mandatory as we can all connect to higher energy vibrations.

The cost of energy healing therapy varies on the practitioner and form of energy healing. Some healing clinics offer 15 minute healings by donation, some practitioners offer 20-30 minute healings for $20 – $30, and some charge more for longer, deeper healings. If you want to become an energy healer, you should look into how much they charge for each session.

If you’re not sure about becoming an energy healer, read From Passion to Paycheck – A Career in Aromatherapy.

How Energy Healing Affects Your Body

The initial healing is on a spiritual level as this is where all healing begins. Then, it takes effect on the mental, emotional and physical level. So for example, as a person experiences energy healings they may become more aware of themselves as a spiritual being and from this place begin to release old programming, limiting beliefs and pain from childhood wounds (which can cause illness if not addressed). Then they will feel more ease in their body, lighter moods, clearer thoughts, and so on. The aches and pains disappear, emotions become balanced, and thoughts reduce to allow more stillness and room for spirit.

Does Anyone Not Benefit From Energy Healing?

This is just my opinion, as perspectives may vary, but I feel that someone with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia may not benefit initially from an energy healing unless it is given by someone who reads energy and has a clear understanding of mental illness and what the source of this illness is with the client. Helping the person to be grounded and centered would be beneficial but I wouldn’t recommend activating their energy flow as it may be overactive already. Otherwise all people, animals, and plants can benefit from energy healings.

Surprising Information About Energy Healing

Energy healing is a spirit to spirit form of communication. It isn’t based in anything mental or physical. It can’t be done by forcing it, willing it mentally, or doing it physically. The energy basically comes from Source and flows through one person into another in a state of ease. Resistance blocks the flow of energy, whereas ease and amusement supports its flow.

Also, energy healing can be done by distance. I don’t have to be in the same room as the other person, and I’ve had people tell me that they could feel it when I was sending it. Don’t ask me to explain how that works though – it’s beyond the intellect (but basically everything is energy and in reality there is not time and space so as spirit we can be anywhere at anytime).

If you’re looking for a new career after a few years in your old job, read 7 Cautions for a Career Change at 40.

Gini Grey is a Transformational Coach and author of the book, From Chaos to Calm, and the CD, Create What You Want in Your Life. She has been studying and teaching spiritual energy awareness classes for the past 10 years. 


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