Whether you want to say thank you to a paid caregiver or express gratitude to a family member who is caring for a relative, here are the most thoughtful thank you gifts for caregivers. Inspiration for gift ideas came when I helped facilitate caregiver support groups for the Alzheimer’s Society in Vancouver.
One of my favorite thank you gift ideas is the Willow Tree Just for You figurine (pictured). I love these carvings – I have two of them. I’m not a collector of anything, but these wooden angels are something I’d gather with glee.
The following caregiver gift ideas revolve around time, self-care, and freedom. Sometimes the best way to say thank you to a caregiver is to give them the gift of time. Encourage caregivers to take care of themselves so they don’t burn out, and so they’re able to live with joy and peace. These gift ideas are about taking care of oneself, and giving oneself the gift of time.
These caregiver gift ideas range from pretty to practical. The first one is the weirdest thank you gift you can think of – but it’s the gift I’d appreciate most!
10 Thoughtful Thank You Gifts for Caregivers

“10 Thoughtful Thank You Gifts for Caregivers”
The gift of time to take care of herself. This is probably the most important gift you can give a caregiver who is actively caring for a family member – or even a paid caregiver (who couldn’t use some time off, now and then?). Give your caregiver time to do what she needs to do, whether it’s going to a movie, a caregiver support group, a yoga class, or just out for a coffee. Speaking of coffee — why not give your caregiver Starbucks Gift Card $100 as a thank you gift? Encourage her to relax at a coffee shop, take a deep breath, and center herself.
A luxury gift. I know it seems odd, but the Cuisinart Classic 7-Cup Food Processor is the thank you gift I’d most love to get! I spend tons of time chopping veggies for salsas, salads, guacamole, and even my dogs. I’ve never had a food processor because I’m not into cooking or kitchen gadgets – and I thought they were super expensive. I did some research, though, and discovered they’re not as expensive as I thought. This is a thoughtful thank you gift for caregivers who are practical, and who need to spend less time in the kitchen.
Collage picture frame with caregiver and patient photos. The Wooden Wall Collage Photo Picture Frame is a beautiful gift for caregivers who were close to their patients. This may be a more thoughtful idea for family caregivers, not paid caregivers. I always encourage gift givers to avoid giving gifts that require work, so if you give a caregiver this collage picture frame, make sure you put the photos in yourself! Otherwise, she may never get around to filling and hanging it up.
A gift that recognizes who the caregiver is and what she needs. Do you see the difference between the above two thank you gift ideas for caregivers? The gift you give depends on the caregiver’s personality, tastes, likes, dislikes, and lifestyle. Your gift – if it’s to be thoughtful and meaningful – has to take who she is into account.
If the caregiver is a colleague who is grieving the loss of a family member, you may find 10 Sympathy Gifts for Coworkers helpful. If the caregiver doesn’t live near the patient, these tips for long distance caregiving might trigger some gift ideas for you.
An escape into something good to read. I’d love a magazine subscription to a dog magazine, and am ready to let go of my subscription to Oprah Magazine. What is your caregiver interested in – and is there a related magazine? I encourage a magazine that is more fun than serious, something that can help your caregiver escape for awhile. After all, that’s part of self-care! Here are the Most Popular Magazine Subscriptions on Amazon, to give you ideas for caregiver thank you gifts.
Candles. Another thoughtful thank you gift idea for caregivers is the Votivo Aromatic Breath Of Lavender Candle. Whether your caregiver is grieving or rejoicing, a candle offers peace, warmth, light, and love. It’s a symbol of light and hope, and can bring energy and healing.
Gourmet coffee, tea, or chocolate gift basket. Does your caregiver love to drink coffee or tea, or savor chocolate or pistachio nuts? Go for a gourmet gift basket, such as the Coffee Lovers Care Package Gift Basket. When I facilitated caregiver support groups for the Alzheimer’s Society, our members dove into the coffee and rarely came up for air.
Spa gift basket. I’ve received a couple of “spa days” as gifts, but I prefer bath and beauty gift baskets. A thank you gift such as the Art of Appreciation Green Tea Zen Spa Bath and Body Set is better for some caregivers, because making time to go to the spa may be problematic. Far better to bring the spa home!
A gift that helps your caregiver get and stay healthy. Does your caregiver have a minor health issue (eg, bunions or hearing problems) or a major health concern (eg, cancer or dementia)? Then, a thank you gift that might be greatly appreciated is something that helps her stay healthy. If she has struggled with breast cancer, for instance, you may find 17 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Women After Mastectomy Surgery helpful. Sometimes the most thoughtful gift you can gift is encouragement to take care of one’s health.
Bouquet of beautiful, bright flowers.
The Rays of Sunshine Flower Bouquet is a thank you gift for caregivers who have everything they need. This beautiful ray of sunshine will light up the caregiver’s life – especially if you arrange for a bouquet to be delivered on the first day of every month for six months or a year. The gift that keeps on giving!
A book for caregivers. How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers by Toni Bernhard and Sylvia Boorstein is a wonderful gift of guidance, encouragement, and inspiration for caregivers who are in long-term situations. This may not be a good thank you gift if the caregiving has ended, but it is a wonderful gift idea for caregivers who are in the thick of it. If you haven’t read about or don’t understand the stress and challenge of caregiving, perhaps the best thank you gift you could give a caregiver is the attempt to understand where she is coming from.
If your caregiver is a believer, you might find 10 Creative Christian Gifts helpful. And, I welcome your thoughts on these thank you gifts for caregivers below. I especially welcome your caregiver gift ideas